How to get what you Expect from your Team

STRATEGY • September 21, 2023

In my work with clients & teams over the years, this statement proves to be true over and over again…

You get what you INSPECT, not what you expect.

Yes, even with a great team of people who you adore.

Unfortunately we cannot simply train someone once, and then expect that they will do everything to meet our expectations forevermore. 

Why not?

Not getting what you expected can happen for a variety of reasons:

  • That team member has outgrown their role and is unmotivated
  • They thought they were improving the process (you disagree)
  • They are going through something personal and are distracted/unfocused
  • They misunderstood your initial training
  • The SOPs are out of date
  • They’ve asked questions and never got a response

Bottom line: somebody has to be ‘walking around the office’ daily to check on the team – both the person and their work.

In the early stages of your business when you are the team’s GO TO, it makes sense that you are the one to own the oversight role.

But as your business grows beyond 6-Figures, you cannot be the one to manage that things are being done correctly. It simply does not make sense for the CEO to be the one with eyes on what’s happening day-to-day.

That’s the beautiful thing about bringing a Certified OBM® on to the team – they are responsible for making sure the right THINGS get done at the right TIME, in the right WAY, by the right PEOPLE.

Hours of time/trouble/headaches/omg! moments are saved when you have the eyes of a management expert in your business – they INSPECT, so you get what you EXPECT.

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