You know you need help, but you aren’t quite sure… do you need the help of a VA (virtual assistant) or is it time to hire an OBM (online business manager)? First, let’s take a look at the key differences between a VA and an OBM. Doing vs. Managing The role of a virtual assistant […]
When you’re working – you’re working your butt off and your days are non-stop GO GO GO. And when you’re in Play mode you really don’t want business occupying your mind. So, what’s the best way to get stuff done when you’re feeling too busy? Here are 3 things that help my clients stay sane […]
You know you need help, but you aren’t quite sure… do you need the help of a VA (virtual assistant) or is it time to hire an OBM (online business manager)? First, let’s take a look at the key differences between a VA and an OBM. Doing vs. Managing The role of a virtual assistant […]
When you’re working – you’re working your butt off and your days are non-stop GO GO GO. And when you’re in Play mode you really don’t want business occupying your mind. So, what’s the best way to get stuff done when you’re feeling too busy? Here are 3 things that help my clients stay sane […]
“I know I need help Darcelle, but what exactly do you do?” <– I’ve been asked this question a few times recently. Here’s a list of things I do as a Certified OBM: Keep you on track and working in your zone of genius (vs getting caught up in all the day-to-day details.) Turn your […]
“I never thought it would be this hard – when do I get to the good part?” When it comes to business, this statement is true for most of us. The entrepreneur’s journey is often harder than we expected it to be. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. Here are 5 ways to […]
In my work with clients & teams over the years, this statement proves to be true over and over again… You get what you INSPECT, not what you expect. Yes, even with a great team of people who you adore. Unfortunately we cannot simply train someone once, and then expect that they will do everything […]
What I know is that people have exactly what they need in them to succeed, however very few of us ever realize our potential. With millions of acres to explore our land why then do we only cultivate or explore a few hundred? “If we all did the things we are capable of we would […]
I talk to business owners all day long about the challenges they are experiencing in their business. If any of the following sounds familiar, the solution might be easier than you think… I have more (too much) on my plate. I need someone I can delegate to. Someone who doesn’t come back to me with […]